Your Gateway to China Car Selections

At Crisscross Auto, we connect auto dealers globally with high-quality Chinese-made vehicles. As a premier source for China-manufactured cars, we offer an extensive selection at competitive prices. Maximize your profitability with our diverse offerings, comprehensive logistics services, and reliable after-sales support. Find your desired models and get offers!

Our goal is to bring together high-quality cars made in China from various brands, creating a global hub for auto dealers worldwide.

Welcome to CrissCross SUVs & Crossovers, where we pave the way for your journey’s versatility and comfort. Our selection offers the perfect blend of style and functionality, empowering your adventures like never before.

At CrissCross Auto, we believe that every family journey is a precious adventure waiting to unfold. Our mission is to provide the vehicles that become the starting point for unforgettable family memories. Welcome to where family journeys begin.

Embrace the future of mobility with CrissCross Electric. Our mission is to ignite your passion for EVs. Join us in sparking a cleaner, brighter drive towards a sustainable future. Get ready to go electric!

At CrissCross Modern Luxury, we seamlessly blend opulent living with the power of the internet, redefining modern luxury for an experience that’s both exquisite and connected.

Where Quality and Savings Meet for Your Ultimate Driving Experience